We absolutely love collaborating with others to ensure that our beneficiaries and receiving the best experience and support that they can.
We also collaborate with local colleges to support students with their learning, offer work experience opportunities and volunteering opportunities.
Please see our video below showing who we’ve collaborated with so far!
We have collaborated with many wonderful providers but are always open to working with more! Please get in touch if you would like to work with us via email:
We have been funded by some wonderful organisations, which we are extremely grateful for. If you would like to fund us to run a project for you, or know somewhere that we could apply for funding, please get it touch via email:
If you would like to sponsor any of our sessions or would like to donate any money, toys, items, food or time to us, then please get in touch. If you would like to make a donation via our bank account, please get in touch.
By donating just £4, you are enabling a family in need to have a meal deal/hot meal during their session.
£8 enables a child and parent/s entry to a session, where they will be able to communicate with others, play imaginatively and form friendships, reducing isolation and developing social and communication skills.
£12 enables a whole family entry to the role play village, where they can ignite their imaginations, enjoy playing creatively together, form friendships and also enjoy activities on offer.
£20 enables a family to have entry plus meal deals and drinks at the venue.
£180 enables us to pay for a 3 hours session, including 3 staff members and bills, so providing jobs and helping the economy, as well as providing educational and wellbeing sessions for families.
£380 enables us to run a session with a provider included, enhancing sessions further.
We are really grateful to our funders. They enable us to keep costs down for families, who wouldn’t be able to access the sessions and support that we offer otherwise. We regularly send out questionnaires, complete surveys at the venue and ask for verbal feedback, which we then evaluate to ensure that we are meeting the communities needs. Funded sessions at Heol Chwarae Rol - Role Play Lane are well attended and received, and often have waiting lists, showing the need for our service.
a snippet of Who we’ve helped so far:
Our ALN sessions have reached 133 beneficiaries/families.
Art/Craft = 79 beneficiaries/families
Our cookery sessions have supported 139 beneficiaries/families.
Our gardening sessions in collaboration with Stiwdio37 have benefitted 23 beneficiaries so far.
Our sewing sessions have benefitted 15 beneficiaries so far.
Our Games Afternoons/Evenings have benefitted 40 beneficiaries over 6 sessions.
Last year we also supported:
Music Sessions over 3 months supported by Anthem grant: 233 beneficiaries
Sign language sessions in collaboration with WCDP: 28 beneficiaries.
Baby and toddler support group sessions: 60 beneficiaries.
Baby support group: 57 beneficiaries.
Parent and toddler bilingual group: 55 beneficiaries.
Craft sessions prior to August: 74 beneficiaries.
Our role play sessions have supported hundreds of families over a couple of months.
Music and movement sessions: 58 beneficiaries over 8 weeks.
Fitmuma helped 30 women exercise whilst their children played, improving their mental health, fitness and wellbeing.
Funded after school sessions: 65 beneficiaries so far - we have funding to provide one funded after school session, once a week during term time, for 3 years thanks to the Community Foundation Wales. This includes, play, an activity and a small meal for the children.
Our funded sessions and collaborations have enabled us to deliver high quality sessions in a warm, safe and friendly environment, where people’s mental health and wellbeing are the focus of the sessions.
We have ensured that parents and carers have somewhere fun and educational to go, that isn’t expensive, which is particularly important during the current financial times.
We have provided families with a warm, safe hub and a healthy snack during their session or a meal, ensuring that families can have something to eat without having to worry about cost.
(There have been many more that have been helped through our one off sessions, but these are ones that have been blocks of funding)