Recent updates:





We are excited to show you that our ALN bench has been installed today!

We listened to feedback from our beneficiaries and at network meetings and have addressed the issues around changing older children in venues across Wales.

We were lucky to receive a 75% grant for this and our improved back room with wipeable walls, meaning it can be utilised for a number of activities.

Thank you Rct Council for enabling us to afford this essential item.

As you know we are a Not for Profit company offering some funded sessions. The funding only covers the staff, providers and materials used in those sessions - not our general sessions, or bills, insurance, energy costs, maintenance etc, so we are keen to have more volunteers on board to help us with a range of things from café work, cleaning, helping to run sessions, fundraising and raising our profile through social media and physical presence.

Please share this form, so that we can gather vital feedback about what volunteers would like to do and barriers they may be facing also to stop them volunteering.